Was anakin evil from the beginning or?

I am autistic so this is already confusing but its even more confusng. And yes you can blame it on the prequels sucking and beng badly written. I love shakespearin tragedy, and the prequels was my first introudction to this formula, and since they were simple and visiually appealing and had edgy guy and had clones and CGI and edgy romance thing romeo and juliet, it s all very appealing to me.I like the prequels, but admit the criticisms are valid.

In your opinion, was Anakin ever good or was he just a rotten apple from the start?
the way the prequels are written they wanna say he good guy genuinly and became bad but also that he was a bad guy.


Nobody is evil from the get go. He was a good person who was easy to manipulate and he wound up on the wrong side of a war because of it.


Anakin is a good demon slave for me.


I had a feeling he was. But in Episode I he was too young in the 2nd one oyu can telll


No, he got lured to the Dark Side.  Everyone has light and dark in them, so when it comes to the Force, those who grow and cultivate and the light in themselves become true Jedi, while those who instead become mired in the dark, become Sith.  

Anakin wasn't evil when he was a boy, obviously.  His vulnerability to evil, to the Dark Side was, can be seen in his lack of patience and a tendency toward pessimism fairly early on, but his conversion to evil, to the Dark Side, didn't begin until the death of his mother, Shmi, and wasn't complete until the death of his wife, Padme.


No, I think he was good from the start but was corrupted as time went on. He did horrible things out of great pain, and he eventually fell due the loss of all his family (his Mother, his wife, his child or so he believed. At the possibility of losing his family yet again (now aware that Luke is alive and is his son, he converted back to the light side to save those he loved. Anakin's need for family and connection is what keeps him good. When isolated and alone, he falls to the dark side, but when he has others to care for or protect, he is a good person. 

No one is wholly good or evil (at least in the Star Wars universe).