Family of gay people: If you could destroy the gay DNA in your family, would you?

Then you could truly love them.


Favorite Answer

Messing with a person's DNA could be dangerous. Best to leave things as they are and let nature take it's course in that respect. 

Gene therapy is an interesting science but could be something that can help to cure cancer:



I love my lesbian sister and my husband's gay uncle. They are both wonderful people.  I wouldn't do anything to change them.


There is no such thing as a gay gene.


Idk if there are any gay people in my family but no I wouldn’t because they could love who they want to and it wouldn’t badly affect me idk why it would especially since I’m related to them... I mean if you’re related to someone and you have a problem with their sexuality the only thing I could think of that would affect you is that you wanna get with them and incest is wrong soo yeah