How do I become a human guinea pig?

So I've always wanted to be a human guinea pig for experiments, I've already done a bunch of medical trials and they pay me small amounts for it, but I wanna be in more of the bigger important tests, like human hibernation experiments, the NASA sleep test where you lie in a bed for a long time, how do I become a part of that and can people send me links to sign up? I dont mind being a test subject for experiments, and I'm okay with robotics and if someone wanted to turn me into a cyborg that would be pretty cool, how do I sign up and find where can I go to sign up or whatever?

Elaine M2019-11-14T20:44:24Z

Favorite Answer

You use the internet.
Want to Participate in Analog Studies? | NASA › analogs › want-to-participate
Sep 10, 2019 - In general they look for healthy, non-smoking volunteers, age 30 to 55. Subjects must pass a physical and psychological assessment to qualify.


Go to the pinboard of the nearest university


You are going to learn more with Google than from any individual answering questions on this forum.