How much fruit should you eat daily and what types as a Diabetic ???


First of all, your doctor or a dietitian is the BEST source of information for what is right for YOU.

Now, although fruit does have NATURAL sugars, there are GOOD HEALTH BENEFITS from eating fruit.  Fruit is part of a balanced diet.

My husband is a type 2 diabetic.  His dietitian advised not to eat more than two servings per day.  

You can do google searches for various fruits and start getting some ideas of which ones are "better" than others.  Google search "nutrition facts for ........................."  You should be looking at total carbohydrates and total sugars.  The lower those numbers are, the better that fruit would be for you.  (Remember to also consider serving size.  Something might be lower - but it might also be a smaller serving size than other fruits)  For things like grapes or berries - pay attention to the amount that is listed as a "serving size" when you are looking at the carbohydrates and sugars for those fruits.

Your doctor or dietitian should give you a goal amount of total carbohydrates per meal and per day.  Eating fruit would be counted toward that daily carbohydrate goal.  If your doctor has not done this, then ask about it or ask for a consultation with a dietitian to get better advice on daily total goals.  Your activity levels and other health issues should be considered for these daily goals.

Good luck.


Zero fruit. You're a diabetic. Fruit contains fructose (sugar) and raises your body's glucose levels. Eat vegetables, and other whole, healthy natural non-processed foods.

Fruit is supposed to be a treat not a daily food source.


People with diabetes should be fine with one fruit serving a day.I have heard that berries are very good and i love them.Pick out your flavor ,