How many calories will you burn by walking 10 blocks to work?


It depends upon your stride and your speed.


Is it flat or level or inclined or a steep walk.
I do both on a treadmill twice a week for
10 minutes each. Flat at 3.5 mph and inclined
At 2.5 mph. The inclined causes more hard
Breathing and sweating and probably more
Calories to be burned. Inclined also builds
Your calves and tones your legs better.
It also raises your good cholesterol to get
Some cardio at least twice a week. The exact
Calorie Count is unpredictable due to incline and Your weight and other factors at this time.


Calories burned depends on velocity and on the weight moved. (Man, there's math in everything, huh?) For example, walking or jogging:

3.0 miles/hour (20 min./mile) burns .027 calories per pound per minute

3.5 miles/hour (17 min./mile) burns .033 calories per pound per minute

4.0 miles/hour (15 min./mile) burns .042 calories per pound per minute

4.5 miles/hour (13 min./mile) burns .047 calories per pound per minute

So, pulling numbers out of the air, if you weigh 180 and you walk a 17-minute mile pace for 30 minutes, you've burned 178 calories. (180 x 0.033 x 30)If you weigh 135 and you move at a 13-minute-mile pace for 20 minutes, you've burned 127 calories.

Since we don't know how much you weigh, how fast you walk, or how long it takes you to do ten blocks, you'll have to do the math yourself.


how long is a block?


Depends on how fast you walk

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