Why is denial the favored tool of GOPers?

Trump committed an impeachable crime ON LIVE NATIONAL TV while he was being investigated for his impeachable crimes. How many times are Republicans going to try to ride a dead horse?

The Oracle of Omigod2019-12-12T18:04:44Z

Yawn. Ever heard of hyperbole? Ever heard of joking? How many times are Democrats going to beat a dead horse?


You forget hypocrisy. They only deny until Trump himself admits it, and then they fall back on hypocrisy, as if lying about an affiar is impeachable but selling us out to foreign powers is not.


Just shut up already. This trial has no evidence and is an abuse of power by the left.
"Russia Russia Russia"


Because reality doesn't support what they want to believe.


They do not deny it. They just don't care that Trump is corrupt. It was the same with Reagan and Nixon.

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