Is the real reason that the democrats are impeaching Trump is because he acts like a MAN?

And the liberals have spent years defining "Man" as bad. They were all set to elect a woman (Hillary) to be President and this obnoxious sort of Man showed up, was mean to her, didn't roll over and play nice puppy dog, and beat her unfairly with electoral votes. He won because the voters voted for a Man instead of a woman. So that manifests itself as an inherent hate, even to the extent of impeaching Trump, not because he did anything wrong, but because they don't like him. Don't like him because he acts like a Man.


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Trump represents the antithesis of every social justice snowflake that the left has been polarizing and dominating the media  and impressionable minds with for the last ten years. Basically, the snowflakes are pisst because they don't have the same avenues to silence opposing viewpoints that they once had. 

The left is obsessed with Trump news and his Twitter feed. Liberals tend to be trolls and spend a lot of time on the internet trolling. Trump is the mega troll and makes liberals heads explode with their own game. Democrats are sincerely buttt hurt. That's the only reason they want to impeach him. 


You aren't too bright.

Jeff S2019-12-12T21:30:50Z

Nope it's about his unethical behavior that is possibly criminal!

Also according to Leningrad Lindsey(circa 1998) Trump made himself vulnerable to impeachment when he refused to honor congressional subpoenas!

Republicans are betraying America by bowing down to their master Trump!


That "man" attacked an 11 year old girl today.


He’s crying about a 16 year old girl on twitter as we speak. That’s not the “manly” thing to do.

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