So, are these the primary facts of why the democrats are finished as a national party?

You do know that if the democrats were not corrupt in Ukraine, they would not have been in Ukraine to have been included in the overall corruption that Trump had to consider before he passed out the money? So it is the democrats fault for being there to start with. Not Trump. Then to top it off, the democrats are a female controlled organization. There are no strong males in leadership roles in the democrat party and you can see that in the presidential candidates. The House is run by females in a political cat fight and the old one is losing. So, she did something so stupid that it has historical significance. The nothing impeachment. So there you are. The democrats are a political organization that is radical extreme, hates men and considers corruption to be their right. By the time the election rolls around, those are going to be recognized facts, and the voters will react to it. The democrats will no longer be a national party, but a regional party. The further away you are from being a democrat, the better off you are as a person.


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After the upcoming crushing defeat they're going to receive in 2020. The DNC will break into two parties. A radical Socialist party(aka Nazi party)and the traditional Democrats.Wait and watch.


I kinda sense that this impeachment fiasco smacks entirely of desperation.  They put all their eggs in the basket of socialism and when Donald Trump exposed that as not only unnecessary, but utterly wacko and destructive, the House of Cards known as the democrat machine took a hit and began to collapse.


This is more of a rant than a real question.