How crazy can it get?

If the democrats were not corrupt, they would not have been in Ukraine to be mixed into the Ukraine corruption. To top it off, it is the democrat presidential candidate involved in the corruption. And, then using emotion, they blame Trump for it. This is the most crazy thing and shows that the democrats are incapable of handling political power.


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But it has proven ( so far ) to be an effective way to shield the Bidens from the consequences of their corruption and profiteering .


Trump is going to win. The democrats don’t have a chance so let’s just think positive 


What de'tails in the YouCrane 'Can' any amount of Un'Sank'to'money'us befuddled babbeling cretins proffer, other than to show thier illgotten gains tax?

Wage Slave2019-12-13T15:28:17Z

It's a bit early to be drinking, in my opinion.


I think you need to read back what you wrote.  It makes no sense at all.

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