Is Marijuana psychosis real?

Ok I recently started smoking weed around 2 years ago. I know it doesn't really do that much harm but it can still damage your lungs etc I'm over 21 btw. I heard a thing called Marijuana induced psychosis? 
Is that just like old government propaganda to scare people into not smoking?  It is legal in my state and you can buy it at dispensaries. I don't want to have phycological problems when I'm older in my life? If anyone knows this is just old propaganda to scare people back in the days or if this a real thing thanks 😀


Young people who have schizophrenia in their families have a greater chance of becoming schizophrenic if they smoke it . For a number of reasons, it's best for people to avoid it, especially teenagers, who are especially vulnerable to habit-forming drugs. One reason is behavior. People often use it as a crutch and substitute it for having a life. Chronic use has been shown to affect memory and problem-solving ability. 

Another reason to avoid it is that there are safe ways to reduce stress and have a good time. I've done a lot of research on stress management and you're welcome to click and read.

Judy and Charlie2019-12-13T21:08:07Z

Answering seriously:  Marijuana is an intoxicant and not all of the research is in yet.

Medical science does know this, though, if you have a mental or emotional illness, then pot will make it much worse because it exacerbates the symptoms.  And yes, the DSM-V does have a diagnosis for marijuana addiction.


Marijuana certainly can induce states of paranoia, panic, anxiety.  This usually occurs among inexperienced users and/or those who have overindulged, when it can exaggerate thoughts and emotions in unpleasant directions.  But this quickly fades as the effects wear off. 

I have read of some younger people who underestimated cannabis edibles and ended up in the E.R., where an antipsychotic or benzodiazepine was given to treat them, and they learned a lesson in moderation.

Marijuana is not for everyone, and it's use varies from those who might take a rare toke to those that use it pretty much constantly.  Frequent use is probably not a good idea.  Personally, I don't care for it now but thought it was pretty damn nice for a time in my twenties.  (I'm "old" now, and it really doesn't impress me all that much.)

All this to say, some people are more sensitive to it and maybe should best avoid it.

(I'd still rather be in airplane piloted by someone on cannabis than in a car driven by someone who has been drinking alcohol.)


It is very much real. But everybody is not builtbup the same. And the age which you smoke. I smoked everyday multiple times a day as a teen, andvin my early 20's been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Now i'm not surevifvit was the weed, but its a possibilitybas nobone elsevin my family has anythingvlike this.


I don't know about "marijuana psychosis" . . . . but have you decided if your name is Kyle or John yet ????

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