Do you think that impeachment could be scam to make Hillary the democrat nominee for a rematch?

Now, the deep state democrats (Hillary democrats) are saying that they may have a 2nd and 3rd impeachment charge against President Trump. Have you considered that all of this may be more than just a poor attempt to harass the President? That the main purpose is to prevent any of the democrat candidates to get sufficient support to win the nomination at the democrat convention. By keeping the democrat preliminaries out of the news. The idea being that 3 or 4 candidates, as determined by the primary voters are on the first ballot, and none can win a majority. The 2nd ballot then opens up to allow the democrat Super delegates to vote, and they are all deep state Hillary supporters. Hillary's name is put in, and there is a unanimous vote for Hillary. Once she is nominated, the democrat argument will be that since she is selected by voters, her criminal issues should be set aside and let the voters decide. And, Trump is impeached, so he is a crook, worse than Hillary.


Have you forgotten the sophistication of the FBI FISA spying or the clever maneuvering to get the Mueller investigation?  The same democrats are still at it.  For the same purpose.


Favorite Answer

Stfu you ****** 


Ricidulous.  Hillary had her chance and she blew it, the Democrats won't give her another, no matter what ludicrous justification you try to invent.


Please, stop being stupid.

John W2019-12-24T14:45:40Z

Hillary retired over 3 years ago. Get over it!


Yes and I also believe the moon landing was a hoax, the earth is flat and Alex Jones is king of the demon lizard people!
All hail Malbec!

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