Credit agencies scanning the dark web?

When agencies like Experian scan the dark web for your information isn't the act of searching for information putting that information out there anyway on the dark web?

As a secondary issue, many articles talk about the dark web scanning service doesn't do anything to remove stolen info anyway. The client can be told about it but outside of personally monitoring your finances, credit cards, etc. and getting a yearly credit report, not much else can be done.

DON W2019-12-27T20:37:18Z

Favorite Answer

"Scanning the dark web" is largely ineffective, as it does not look at the locked-down databases that sell information for a price.  It will only look at information more loosely available to anyone accessing the dark web, of which there isn't all that much.

If they had a way to crack into the databases that sell identity info, that would be great, but again they don't do so.


Scanning the web does not increase the chances that your info is stolen.


Do you have proof that they do, inside knowledge??


No. They just buy stolen information.