Are the fires in Australia caused by Global Warming or arsonists? How many of those arsonists are tree huggers (you know what I mean.)?


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These clowns will say and do anything for their cause.  They try to impeach a president with fake charges.  They side with enemies of the US.  There really isn't any depth that they wouldn't sink to.  Blaming the horrible fires in Australia is pretty sick yet predictable with these sick in the head leftists.  I really have had it with them.  


That's like saying that your dinner is caused by your stove's pilot light. Or that a trigger is responsible for shooting someone. There will always be sources of ignition; without record heat and drought, there would be no extensive fires.


However they started, the fires have been made much worse by an environment subject to years of global warming, drought and extreme temps. We can all expect more of the same and closer to home as this century burns on.....

$@!ar W!nd2020-01-08T15:37:45Z

The Australia fires along with the California fires are brought up seasonally by the alarmists. I believe arsonists were involved, as were they in the forest fires in Western and Northern Canada last year. The major factor is the Sun and its various cycles.

The climate is always is flux and is controlled mainly by the Sun, which the alarmists downplay. Galactic influences are becoming through new scientific research more of a factor, along with solar and planetary orbital variances. There is much focus at the moment on what effect the migration of the magnetic poles may have on the climate.

There is one thing for sure and that is CO2, along with the phantom junk science greenhouse effect is not in the climate change equation.

Check out the Suspicious Observers web site Sun series videos for a great learning experience. They are on YouTube too!!


The Aussie Golden Globe winner says it is smoke stacks so I believe him.

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