CNN doesn't want opinion contrary to their own-which they consider as the Correct one.
Their bias and lies are too easily revealed by comments from critical thinkers.
your opinion is of no concern
TROLLS TROLLS AND MORE TROLLS!!! Many media outlets have stopped comments as most are just a bunch of hate!
The problem is that places like the Fox News website become bullhorns for Russian troll farms and contentious angries who spend literally every one of their retired seconds attacking people. There's not one objective poster and you find that even completely neutral stories about cats become dumps for Hillary/Obama angst.
On one hand, I don't go to CNN.com because they don't have the comment sections, but on the other, they don't serve a purpose except to drive clicks by providing outlets for angst. One could say they take the high road, but unless they tell us, we don't know the real reason.