Do humans do photosynthesis?

I wanna know!!!!!!?

Ian S2020-01-14T17:57:56Z

Favorite Answer

Humans can't perform photosynthesis. We lack the genes and tools plants have to harness the power of sunlight. We get energy from the break down of sugars. There are a few animals that have some photosynthetic-like properties but cant actually transform carbon dioxide into sugar. Some coral have symbiotic relationships with algae and are able to use the energy the algae make to feed developing coral embryos. Only one animal we know up has developed photosynthetic capabilities and its a variety of sea slug. It is able to incorporate algae DNA from algae in its diet and basically take the photosynthetic blueprint.

So no we can't. The only stretch of a possibility would be to be able to somehow incorporate plant DNA into ours but right now we aren't even close to making that a possibility with genetic research.

Elaine M2020-01-14T19:26:47Z

Google the word, I don't think you actually know what it means.


Of course not.................................


Kind of. We do get energy from the sun just by being in direct contact with it. I remember that just 6 days of being exposed to some sunlight, can last you over a month of 0 days being exposed to the sun. Vitamin D helps your body pretty much absorb all the nutrients and vitamins it has stored. 72% of all Americans are Vitamin D deficient. It is also good for mental health in general during the winter seasons.


some of them do but it's not yet commercially viable