How do I replaced the radio backlight on an 05 Forester?
Is there a bulb behind the LCD radio display? If so, what kind of bulb is it and how do I replaced it? Your knowledge is much appreciated.
Is there a bulb behind the LCD radio display? If so, what kind of bulb is it and how do I replaced it? Your knowledge is much appreciated.
The Devil
Back in the '80s, radio display backlighting was done with a wheatgrain Osram incandescent lightbulb. Your 2005 stereo probably uses an LED. Either look up the schematic in a Sam'sPhotofact, you can find what all the components in the stereo are. You may or may not be up to opening the stereo to look at the parts yourself, but that's how I changed the backlight in the AM stereo/ FM stereo that was in my '86 Camry. I had to unsolder the digital display to get at it. Check the fuses before you go chasing into the dash and radio chassis. If other lights or gauges don't light, they could be on thesame circuit protected by that fuse which blew out. Good luck.
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