URGENT: Questions about DEER & TRICARE for spouses?
Hello, I'm gonna keep this pretty short for time's sake. I recently married someone in the army about two weeks ago. He enrolled me in the DEER Tricare plan. Do I have to go to a local military branch to retrieve the card or do I start the process of retrieving it online? Thank you!
You can go to tricare on line and call and choose your doctor. You can get your card online
They have to put your picture on the ID card so you have to go in to get it. A military base, reserve unit or federal building might be able to help you with that.
He enrolled you in DEERS, which is basically a computer system. Like the other answer said, you automatically at least have Tricare Standard. Whether or not he signed you up for Prime is a different question. Your dependent ID is your insurance card as well. If you don't have your dependent ID, he needs to get you in to the ID card office to get you one.
You will most likely be either in TRICARE Prime or Select. Prime has a wallet card, but Select does not. Your sponsor has to download the card as it requires a CAC or MyPay account. You also must have your military dependent ID card, so you'll have to go to a RAPIDS location after your sponsor provides you the form.
All the information is here, so read it carefully: https://tricare.mil/Resources/GoPaperless/NewTRICARECard https://www.military.com/spouse/military-life/military-resources/military-dependent-id-cards.html