Atheist can you explain where life itself came from.  I'm totally non-plus on this one?


Why do you pick on only atheists to do all your thinking for you?  Is it because you instinctively know that the Bible-thumpers are too stupid & deluded by whole parsecs to give you an answer beyond "it is written"?   
As to me, I don't know, & don't particularly care.  I just know it's here & I like it.  
Did it never occur to you that there may well be things that exceed human epistemology?  If they are, how would we know?  Is it necessary to know everything?  Why are you so snoopy anyway?  Why not just enjoy what youve got instead of questioning its validity?     

Gloria: That's because even the fool can learn by listening to the genius.  Face the facts: There never was, isn't & never will be any "God."  Even a broken clock is correct twice each day.  Your pathological believe in utter nonsense is evidence of a psychological disorder.  Seek professional help at the earliest moment.        


Single cell organisms formed by abiogenesis thousands of billions of years ago...


Of course not. I can only guess, like every other person before me has done. Religious people cannot explain where their gods come from, either. They just insist that you close your eyes and have faith.