Is or was there any asian culture on earth, ever, that does or did anything remotely like this, ever?

My mom recanted to me a vague story which her racist ignorant father, who was talking about "them Asians", told her as a kid about some culture that puts babies in a jar, so that the would grow into the shape of the jar, and one day they would break it, and this was done to mis-shape the baby to intentionally cripple them so they can be of a lower status and act as servants.

I have never heard anything like that in all my life. I do know about foot-binding and genital mutilation, but jar-shaping? seems far fetched.

Her dad also claimed that we are related to Quanah Parker. so idk he may have been mistaken about his information, she may be mistaken about what he was saying, having over-heard it herself, but there were several occasions.

Has anyone ever heard anything like this? Was it one emporor a long time ago who did something like this? maybe it's like vlad the implaler, like that. anything?


I don't know, but you should take a DNA test.