Why are we blaming carbon for Global Warming when no one has proven that it does?

"If we switch taxation from incomes to carbon, we will tax pollution not people," UN Secretary Guterres said.


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"Since the late 1800's we have known that carbon dioxide has been responsible to warm the planet by about 15 degrees Celsius." Who is "we"?

Solar forcing is the controlling factor that determines the climate for Earth.  This has been proven without a doubt.

CO2 has been proven to follow Earth's temperature increases and is barely detectable as a forcing factor.


Because Carbon taxes are so profitable. It is due to the Sun not giving us the heat  that it used to in 1998  This leads to less marine evaporation , less water vapour, fewer, thinner clouds and more SUNLIGHT reaching ground level which warms the soil and dries it out This dry soil cannot lose it's heat by evaporation so it gets EVEN HOTTER   Animals have nothing to drink nor do trees Both suffer. Forest fires of FEMA owned land burn and bankers get richer on unjust taxation. Q E D


It's the same with all the leftist morons. They think they always have the moral high ground so whatever they think is right is always right even though 99.99% of all people who are steadfast supporters of carbon taxes and renewable energy can't even explain basic weather concepts nor understand the manufacturing and maintenance of said "renewable energies".

I have debated with people from all over the world about pollution then changed to global warming then changed to climate change.

99.9999% of the time they don't know anything about the subject but they claim that by pulling up some random article on the internet they are experts in the field.

And if you disagree with them you are apparently racist? Haha, which makes absolutely NO sense but you can't reason with brainwashed climate zealots.

And the best thing to say to al these crazy people is "What have you done for the environment and when will you give up your car, laptop, phone etc to lead by example?"

They will just look at you with a dumb arrogant expression on their face. ( Do as I say not as I do.)

I think its good that people want to clean up the world but everyone is making it political and going about it the wrong way. For example one thing I can easily get behind is plastic pollution and the acidification of the ocean but somehow people have to lump in "Climate Change" and if you don't mention any of the key words you will be named a heretic even though the climate cultists have no idea what they are talking about.

That is the world we live in.

Oh and you should look up how many polar bears currently live compared to the 70s and 80s. It's a lot more so they are all not dying it's all a bunch of lies. But if you mention this to anyone in public they will laugh at you even though they don't really know the real answer themselves.


Welcome back! A lot has changed in the 30 years you've been in a coma ...


Lamont-Doherty tells us that you're a liar:

Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory: Milestones in Climate Science

but, of course ALL republicans tell lies - it's all they've got!!

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