What types of items can be sold on ebay on a perpetual basis?

I am an occasional ebay seller and I am looking for ways for the platform to better supplement my income and in time maybe even replace the revenue my job provides. The problem is I find collectible items like old toys and limited release items sell fairly well, but they are hard to come by on a regular basis. So does anyone know of any items can be purchased at any time and sold on ebay for a profit?

Casey Y2020-03-02T21:49:16Z

If that existed...someone has already beaten you to it.  Or, if there was an easy way...why would anyone give up that secret profit source?  

Seriously, think about it...if someone knows an easy way to make money, why would they give you that information...so they could lose money?  


Thats the big question. If everyone could do it, everyone would be doing it. Way back when I found 2 things to sell both lasted only about 6 months and I only made a few hundred a month. A lot of work for the little profit. Meanwhile, ebay makes out like a bandit.