Illegal aliens have killed far more people than Corona Virus. How come Democrats and their media lap-dogs aren't panicking over that?

Kinetic Nebula2020-03-14T21:16:38Z

Show me numbers and sources or I say you're just a GOP troll

Pearl L2020-03-14T20:58:45Z

maybe they havent gotten around to panicking over that yet


Crona is just getting started . How do you know how many it will kill??  You are just making BS up.  You seem to have what my old biology teacher called "cranial rectumitus".


Oh, so it's cool to "weaponize" it if it favors your politics...


Illegal aliens will eventually vote liberal, which is worth ignoring the crime and taxpayer cost they cause.    They are also a very exploitable form of cheap labor, the next best thing to slaves.   

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