How are female murderers different compared to male murderers ? In their motives/ reasons to kill?

For example when women kill they usually don’t have any previous convictions compared to men... what are some other examples 


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Female murderers are more likely to kill people they are close too. They almost never kill strangers.

Men are more likely to kill people they do not know.


Female murders usually pick victims that cant defend themselves such as when they are drugged, sleeping or physically incapable such as children.

Men usually pick victims that can't defend themselves.... wait could it be that they both pick victims that are easy to kill?  Could it just be that women have a smaller pool of victims to choose from?


In the end there is no difference, there both murders


From what I've seen on some of the crime shows, men are more likely to murder due to psychological reasons, mental illness/anger issues, fascination with killing (and rape), jealousy and/ or relationship issues, and lastly, money.  Women are more likely to murder for love/jealousy, money and/or insurance policy.  The top two for both men and women are money and insurance policies.