Don't get diverted.
More important is the Democrat's need for:
Same day registration for election.
Funding for PBS.
Racial quota for Boards of Directors.
Funding for a D.C. music hall.
Nationalizing Voting control so it is easier to "adjust" as necessary from a central point.
Relief from tuition under $10,000.
Settle up the U.S.P.S bills with the U.S. Treasury.
Require Airlines to tell passengers their Pollution
Patrick M
that sounds like a democRAT slogan to me right out of their deceitful playbook !!!!!!!!!!!!
The current stimulus package isn't aimed at Wall St.. Rather the middle class working folks that contribute and small business.. If you think otherwise, you are misinformed and I might consider you to be a LIBSTAIN!
Well, if a rich guy starts losing money and is running a business, he will lay people off to stay in the black.