The secret of Coronavirus. Revealed here.?
So the basis for this conversation is the reality that we all live in an electromagnetic universe. In fact there really is no such thing as matter what we perceive of matter is merely energy in a specific vibrational state ( frequency amplitude Etc) that our senses can interpret as matter.
Now there is a very controlled narrative going on right now about 5G causing Coronavirus. It is very important to understand that they are controlling both sides of this narrative. On one side is the 5G industry as well has the health industry saying there is no causality between 5G and Coronavirus.
It is important to understand that the 5G industry and health industry is actually correct with this. Corona a virus existed long before 5G and will exist long after. But it is still one controlled side of the argument.
The other side of the argument is the quote-unquote conspiracy nuts most of them are actually owned by the same industry. Yes they do this believe me they create their own counter argument to themselves it's how they control the narrative. So the other side of the argument is that coronavirus is created by 5G this is the complete flip side of what the truth is the truth is in the middle of both arguments.
Coronavirus has what is known as a sympathetic frequency with 5G.
5G does not in any way cause Coronavirus. What 5G does is provide an energy frequency that is very specific to coronavirus it is like giving coronavirus the best possible conditions.