Environmentalists, how do you feel about your spreading of the China Virus by promoting and making laws about reusable bags?



Diarrhea et al: That was just one of many articles on the subject. Look it up. Just go to your search engine and type in [PAPER BAGS VIRUS]. If you find that too difficult, read 'COMPUTERS FOR DUMMIES'.

(I can't believe these people actually walk among us.)


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Gotta laugh at people like Oikook, who apparently don't understand the difference between primary sources and secondary sources.

The New York Post is simply reporting on research, such as this:

"An earlier study of supermarkets in Arizona and California found large numbers of bacteria in almost all the reusable bags — and no contamination in any of the new single-use plastic bags. When a bag with meat juice on the interior was stored in the trunk of a car, within two hours the number of bacteria multiplied tenfold."

Peer reviewed research often confirms what most of us all know through common sense.  Climate Clowns are ideological with no common sense.  That's why they depend on government so much.


First, plastic bags were good because they saved trees. Then they were bad. Better option is the reusable bags -- however many are made of synthetics and the environmental benefit from them comes after one is used for many many years. Now we're back to plastic bags because reusable bags can spread disease. Interesting progression.


These sickos always move from one crisis to the next.  They don't want to be held responsible for the carnage that their stupidity causes.  Look what they did to minorities.  Look at their "war" on poverty.  Everything they touch is ruined yet they still pat themselves on the back and move to the next crisis.   I pointed out to these idiots long ago that my plastic bags don't end up in the ocean.  My straws don't either.  Facts and reality don't matter to these creeps.  


Funny that CAGW tool Oikoo mentions the word “could”. Alarmunists favorite words are “could”, “may”, “possibly”. 


It's trump's plague and it has nothing to do with plastic bags....

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