W/o speculation or hindsight, how do you prove, in terms of deaths and economy, how much better shape we'd be in were a liberal in charge?

Spock (rhp)2020-04-07T12:15:37Z

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it is inherent that no actual proof is possible since the situation can not be replicated to test other policies.

what can be done is look at the actual experience of other nations and speculate that, if we had prepared the way they did [starting ten or more years ago], had a population willing to follow government orders, and had the systems and laws in place to aggressively follow up on all positive reports of CV19, then we might have held deaths down to very low numbers as Iceland and Singapore are doing.

Of course, this requires either a dictatorial government willing to use police to enforce health restrictions, or a great deal of trust in the government [Iceland has this, America does not].

It is a pointless exercise, imho. We have the government we have because that's all the people would allow. America is not going to accept apparently arbitrary orders from government officials ... civil insurrection would be the likely ultimate result.


Historically, liberals have had success with the Great Depression, the bush depression, World War II, social security, Medicare, and Obamacare, among others. Historically, Liberals are much better at running big government programs and dealing with large national problems. Conservative successes are generally on a small scale.


leftists are in charge, they prevented our border fence even after they approved it...


Look at liberal run NYC


Uh, wouldn't that be speculation?

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