I was raised vegan but am horribly malnourished. Need some actual protein. Thinking about killing the family cow (it's a pet, we don't milk it or anything, we rescued it when my parents burned down a dairy farm) and grilling some steaks. Need slaughtering tips.
There are plenty of good non-animal sources of protein such as seeds, nuts, pulses and cereals. There is also way more protein in the average Western diet than necessary.
first tip, don't slaughter the cow...steaks from it will be like eating your shoes. Second tip, be far more original in trolling. This was a terrible job at being a troll. Be a better troll, more original at least.
In the islands we would gather around. An elder would give it a few good whacks with a machete in the neck and it would bleed out. From there we gut it and roast the portions skewered on a stick overhanging a fire. Modern Western practice involves a simple gunshot below the anium (the bump on the back of your skull posterior to the nasium, the divot in the bridge of your nose). After it is 'knocked out' the neck cut happens just the same and depending on where you are and your needs, you make cuts.
In the industrial world, the first cuts are primals furthering down to serviceable retail cuts like "T-bone" "tenderloin" etc.
I know you were making a crack but the truth of it is in a fitting parallel, if you can step back for a second and see, big fat aunt Karen the smartass vegan has no place in this world anymore than a cow does. The cow at least gave it's life to bring us food, keep us alive, and bring us joy. Karen gave people crap over their diet habits and died of necrotic sepsis from acquired type diabetes.