I am a alcoholic in England and drink Blue cider, I haven't got the virus?

I have been on blue cider (7.5% Frosty Jacks) for roughly 20 yrs daily (6 litres a day) .....I haven't got the virus and wonder if because of my blood/alcohol mix I will ever get it?
Is this true


Have you been tested? If not you could have the virus and not know it yet,


It's not because of your drinking. It just hasn't gotten to you yet.


Maybe the alcohol killed all the virus. Anyway this is better than drinking disinfectant, as our president advised. Anyhow, this is caused by a virus,Β  not alcohol. Alcohol will rune your immune system. So more likely to die, if you get COVID19

Cheers, from Florida, USA.πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚


Maybe. But when you die from liver damage it won't matter that you didn't have the virus.


That's ridiculous. You did not get the virus because you were probably not exposed to it.

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