Women, do you like the idea of being a stay at home parent?

I loved being a stay at home dad when my kids weren't in school. I just don't understand why feminists make such a big deal about it. 


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I do. Don't worry about what feminists think; just do what you like doing. 


I assume someone else cleans and does the actual work while you watch cartoons and toss softballs around.


Personally, no I don't. I'd be beyond bored just sitting around at home with kids all day. It would drive me crazy. A couple of years ago when my sister in law was sick and in the hospital, I had some leave owing to me at my work, so I took two weeks off to look after my nephews and niece while my brother took care of his wife. As much as I adore them, by the end of the two weeks, I was convinced that being a stay at home mom was something I never wanted to do. Ever. 

Green Puffin2020-05-08T10:25:07Z

Feminists and other people who don't associate their views with Feminists, believe that it should be about choice.  Whether your a Mum or Dad, if you want to be the main parental carer, it should be your choice and not just assumed that is the role you should take.

I've enjoyed all the different lifestyle choices I've made.


I don't know if I do.

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