Michigan has been a Radical-Socialist dictatorship for three months now. Have you had enough?

The Michigan state legislature passed a law to re-open the state economy. But Der Fuhrer, Governor Gretchen Whitmer, defied the free will of the people, and INSISTED that her "Executive Order" could overrule the legislature. In protest for his right to earn a living, Karl Manke opened his barbershop. Aren't you glad a REAL patriotic American stood up to that Socialist Democrat bully?

durango joe2020-05-12T22:08:20Z

Then the legislature needs to impeach the governor and remove her from office.


Women shouldn't be in politics. I agree that more should group up and defy these unlawful orders.


60% of Americans oppose re-opening too soon, so unless you have numbers showing otherwise we will have to assume that percentage applies to Michigan as well.



So what you're asking for is for her to issue martial law to make it legal to have you shot on sight for defying lockdown protocol?

You want your rights actually stripped, right?


Meanwhile radical-socialist turd traitor trump is closing off the White House because his butler has the mild flu