Do you really think that Fauci and Gates are out to help civilization?


Look at this then tell me that Fauci is out to help Civilization:


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Someone needs to ask Fauci about the 30% false positive test and put him on the spot about it. We had the Korean test back when this started in January and refused to use it. Fauci specifically said that he didn't think it was fair to tell people they had the virus if they didn't, and noted emotional distress a patient has when learning they had HIV.

Well, let's play this out.. we have hundreds and maybe thousands infected and we use the 30% false positive test. We are then able to pin the virus down, but unnecessarily quarantine 30% in doing so. That's not fair to the 30% so let's instead let the virus spread across the entire country and unnecessarily quarantine the entire population, shut down the economy, and cause a depression that will rival the great depression. W T F did we not use the 30% false positive test?!?!? Someone needs to grill Fauci over this. It's a huge tell about what's going on here.

ALSO, Fauci and Birx were touting antibody tests as being essential to reopening about a month ago. Now they are back-tracking and literally saying we can't rely on the test because of a 1% margin of error?!? W T F! The test is telling us every time (I've seen over 20 tests with sample sizes over 1000) that this is NO MORE DEADLY THAN THE FLU! In some cases it's showing this might be LESS DEADLY THAN THE FLU! Put Fauci on the spot and grill him about this. Many of us have figured out a long time ago that both Fauci and Birx are complete and utter frauds. Honestly we're at the point now where Fauci and Birx will be spreading the virus with infected blankets to further their cause. Like that's probably coming next.

And this 100,000 government employee contact tracing con will do nothing to stop the spread. Fauci is pushing that now too. It's the Patriot Act on steroids.


Nope! Fauci and Hillary outlawed Quinine. That was bad for humans. Back around 1980, Fauci wouldn't sound the alarm about HIV being in blood transfusions. That was so the Red Cross wouldn't lose any money. (It was a Fortune 500 company at the time.)This literally killed people. He wouldn't close down the bathhouses in San Francisco. That was where the main spreading of HIV was at the time. It is all in the accurate history books. Look it up.
As to Gates, he is making too much money on patents that he has on the viruses. That can't be good.


No, I do not.  Fauci and Gates both visited Epstein's pedophile island with President Trump and the Clintons.   


More so than Paul and Trump are.


Here we have the typical ignorant, conspiracy-fueled thinking of a brain-dead republican - they're ALL fools

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