If "Black Lives Matter," then why do black people shoot other black people, or black looters rob and burn black-owned businesses?


Hahaha! Lol! It's funny because it's true! All lives matter. Black lives matter is racist.


Because some black people also happen to be terrible people... just like any other skin tone.

The Black Lives Matter movement is not a general civil rights group, they were founded explicitly to draw attention to and protest against systemic discrimination and brutality towards black people by police... there are other groups that deal specifically with crime in black communities.


Only the black lives killed by the police matter. If you ate black you are forty times more likely to be murdered by a black criminal that a white cop. None of those black lives matter to Democrats because they don’t fit the desired narrative.
You will never hear a Democrat call on black people to stop breaking the law.
They refuse to address the problem of black crime, pretending it does not exist.

The Oracle of Omigod2020-06-05T15:36:41Z

Well, in those situations perhaps it really means, "My Black life matters more than your Black life."


Only those black lives that can be used in far left propaganda matter. The rest can burn as far as leftists are concerned.

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