So yahoo isn't allowing comments on their articles anymore?

Are they afraid that 90% of the commentary will be differing opinions than theirs?


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They know that their articles hit an all time low.


No, they are afraid that the "comments" will be hate speech, rants, libel/slander, copyright violations, etc., and they're probably right.


I have been commenting on their articles this evening.

Donnie Porko2020-06-05T23:53:22Z

At some point, you get tired of people telling you what a terrible writer you are or how you made a bunch of mistakes. Remember that article about the Russian woman who called the cops on a black woman for sitting at the park. Yahoo said her restaurant’s name was Madison Vivienne, when it’s Maison Vivienne. 

Or the time when it couldn’t copy and paste correctly. The original article said Washington university in St. Louis but the writer somehow changed it to university of Washington in St. Louis. 


It’s like Ellen’s youtube videos. She has the comments open on every single one, except when Moochelle cane on the show 😆 

I suspect everyone was calling Michelle a tenant after noticing something falling around in her pants when she started dancing 

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