Can we all (meaning a 99 percent majority) agree that those that work the hardest, and the most conscientiously, deserve the most rewards?

Bro Jest2020-06-06T11:15:20Z

You mean essentially the opposite of how things are in the real world? Good luck achieving it.  I think, rather than worrying too much about what people "deserve," it's best to shoot for something along the lines of what Rawls advocated (as I understand it): a society in which both the typical and the least fortunate members have the best life that can be provided. Notions of fairness as organizing principles can have some instrumental value in pursuing that goal, but when held up as ends in themselves, very often become justifications for cruelty (or just propaganda for the powerful). And anyway, life's not fair and never will be. If you think it is you need to grow up.


Of course not. Not even 99% of people believe that the earth is round. Anyway, I wouldn't even agree with that. People that work too hard are often the most tired and cranky people for one  thing. Why give those often self righteous whiners the most? In the real world, two people really get the most rewards. The ones who are the most ruthless, and the ones who work smart and are not afraid to really live. For the most part, not always certainly, but mostly, people DO get what they deserve.


Those who work "the best" deserve the most rewards. 
That's my opinion.