how many altercations with black people do the police have per year.. in all 50 states combined?

hundreds of thousands.. possibly even millions? and of those, don't about 99% of them end without an incident? So why does the news media only show when the 1% of them ends with a black suspect getting killed? Many people are too dumb to realize that THAT doesn't mean all cops are bad, or need better training, when the vast majority of them are good, and do have proper training.. the media is causing people to seem to think that these officer involved shootings are too high, when if you look at the big picture, they're incredibly low given how many police officers and black suspects get into interactions at the frequency they do in this nation of 300 million people..I repeat, 300 million people..


Favorite Answer

Altercations occur between Black/White COPs and Black/White people all the time. More whites are killed by COPs each year than Blacks are but they don't tell you these facts. They want to sell you that "all" Whites are the issue and not just the few. Kind of like me saying "all" Blacks are criminals but then that would be ignorant of me now wouldn't it!


Unarmed   blacks killed in 2018 (If  I heard right) was 9, in the whole country, unarmed whites, 19.


now that everyone has cell phones,
we can see the police brutality that happens daily.
and usually with unarmed black men.


Same Amount as white people.


Look, are you even willing to try to understand what's going on and what we are discussing?  If so, great.  If not, just get out of our way so we can make the country better for everyone, including you.

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