controlling parent?

my estranged mom thinks that anyone that has a disability or mental issue, needs to be on a mind control drug and be told what to do until they basically die cause she feels those people shouldnt have a life or live life like nondisabled people. even though i can houseclean, pay bills, go to my doctor (by transportation since i cant drive), take medicine, things of that nature, she still thinks someone needs to be put in a institution or home even if someone got moody or annoyed. she saids that if someone cant be told what to do and do what someone saids, theyre incompetent and need to be put away.

Judy and Charlie2020-06-15T02:01:46Z

Favorite Answer

Your Mom is WRONG!

The Fourth Amendment to our Constitution has the habeus corpus clause and it says that NO ONE can be kept in a place against their will without due process of law.  And this also includes mental health hospitals.

No one can be kept in a mental health hospital without their own consent or without legal commitment by law.  And you can only be committed if you commit a crime while mentally ill, you are suicidal or homicidal or you become a ward of the state due to acute disability.


And so if I were in your shoes, I would remind Mom that it is against the law to threaten and harass people because this is exactly what she is doing to you.  And you might call the police about her.


maybe you can move out if youre over 18


Yes, that is exactly what your mother says.