Which insurance companies offer the best whole life insurance policies for investment purposes?

Lately on YouTube I've been hearing that you can purchase a whole life policy and borrow cash against it.  When I contact the insurance companies they tell me that I can purchase a policy with them but I can only borrow against the policy after a number of years and the amount I can borrow would be less than the total amount I've paid into the policy.

So my question is can anyone tell me the names of any insurance companies that offer whole life policies where the amount I can borrow is still greater than what I've paid?  Or can they tell me the criteria a company has to meet in order to make this arrangement?

I'm not looking for get rich quick, rather I'm looking for get rich after a reasonable time frame.


If you want to know when you will make money on a whole life policy ask your insurance agent or company "when will the policy have a taxable gain"??

They will not give you an answer.    The answer is you will NOT make money on the money.     Whole life is NOT an investment.


What you want does not exist.  Only a small portion of the death benefit or what you have paid can be withdrawn as cash.  A whole life insurance policy is NOT an appropriate venue for an investment.


There are no policies that fit your criterion. That is because life policies have federal and state regulations that limit the amount that you can borrow. For example, by regulation you can only borrow against the cash value. When you pay your premium a portion of that premium goes toward the insurance, a portion toward the administrative costs, and a portion toward the cash value.

DON W2020-06-16T17:22:11Z

I don't believe any life insurance policy would offer the deal that you want, which is why you are getting negative responses from the companies.  It's not in their interest to make such arrangements, since they could loose on the deal.


Whole life insurance is a lousy investment.

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