What if we had these three candidates running for office this year?

1.) Donald Trump

2.) A well spoken female.

3.) A glib but well spoken, handsome black man.

Which one of those these three candidates do you think would win?

Personally, I think it would be 2. or 3. 

Being a white male just isn't the "in thing" anymore. Everyone is sick of America going to war and attacking other countries. 

I think the American people would be much more calm if we either 2. or 3. in office instead of 1.


So you hate Trump enough to vote for a suit and skin color without even knowing the philosophy of the candidate?  This is another reason we need IQ testing before we issue ballots.


Well, with "first-past-the-post" in place, you will never have more than two


Same result as today


It's painfully obvious to all of us who live in the real world that Trump is too physically and mentally ill to run for POTUS.  The better question is who will Republicans put up in Trump's place?


1) Donald Trump
2) A turd floating in a bowl of Cheerios

Turd wins by 11% margin. That's how bad Trump sucks and how massively unpopular he's become.