I'm seeing three very clear paths for America's future?

I see three paths that we are moving closer to. I'm certain one of these 3 paths will eventually unfold. 

1. We will end up living in pure 100% anarchy.

2. We will have martial law.

3. We will have a progressive leftist/socialistic government.

Anarchy always leads to dictatorship. If we have martial law, then rioters and probably even peaceful protesters will be reclassified as terrorists, rounded up & shipped off to some corporate owned prison, made to do slave labor.

 If we have a progressive leftist/socialist government (which I think is very unlikely), then that kind of government will have at least 5 things on their agenda list. 1. replace conservative law enforcement with liberal law enforcement, 2. disarm gun owners, 3. pay reparations to black people with white people's taxes, set up some kind of universal healthcare, and of course create hate speech laws, like they have in Europe.

So which one of those three paths do you think will more than likely unfold?


The problem with all the grand schemes to make "the 1%" pay for a utopian state where no one has to work is that capital is highly mobile and most of these individuals and businesses will simply move away. So some middle ground will have to be reached (or else we're going to become Venezuela). 


Where the left have become so lawless , I am hoping people will reject them and our country will have a resurgence of sanity with the majority of citizens