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Much of what Trump says is incomprehensible and irresponsible. This is another example. For him to refer to Covid-19 as an "artificial problem" is ridiculously callous and stupid. He is entirely unfit to be president.
It's not an artificial issue. He's a liar.
The shutdown in response to the pandemic was the artificial problem, meaning it was man-made. America inflicted the blow on itself. Of course, the Chinese coronavirus is man-made too, but the powers that be don't want us to discuss that...
Trump is the awful product of an awful culture that has been brewing this disaster for decades.
Rich men can do no wrong and they must pay no taxes. The benefits of wealth are the always legitimate means and benefits of it all.
All started with Reagan.
They are throwing themselves all over the grenades Trump is throwing all around himself!
Something tells me there's more to this story than you've provided.