Are Uighur muslims the "present day" most oppressed people?

Prevented from practicing their religion?

Not allowed to walk around showing the religion they are without harassment or censure from the government?

Not allowed to meet at a building where services take place?

The courts of the land deciding whether they can practice their religion or not?

Government has made reeducation camps for hundreds of thousands with lots of barbed wire and armed guards?

Anyone know any other comparable oppressed people?

El Nerdo Loco2020-07-04T23:01:50Z

Favorite Answer

I hate the idea of persecution competitions, but the Rohingya genocide is still ongoing. 

Doug Catholic2020-07-05T00:39:36Z

The Chinese Communists persecute every religious system that does not choose to put the "party" first. Along with politics, murder and mayhem, it's simply what they do for the sake of the Communist Party. 


No, but they cannot do or say anything against the Chinese Government, or they get taken to "Correction Centers".


Rape victims are the present day most oppressed people.


most of the WORLD wants to 'oppress' Muslims ......................

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