Do you disagree with any of these statements tangential to the abortion debate, Politics?

When debating abortion, I often see people making absurd assertions.  Let's see if we can agree to some ground rules...

1 People have sex for lots of reasons, often without intending to reproduce.

2 Birth control fails.

3 Kids are not born knowing about sex.  In the absence of decent sex ed, they may believe myths about contraception (eg "rubber"=rubber band), or even not realize that sex leads to pregnancies.

4 Pro-choicers, and even women who have abortions, don't generally "hate babies".  In fact, many women who have abortions already have kids, and may be aborting so that they can continue to care adequately for the kids they have.

5 There is sincere disagreement about when in a pregnancy the fetus becomes a person in a morally meaningful sense.  Either end point (conception, or birth) seems absurd to most people, but there is no obvious bright line between them.

6 Late-term abortions are very rare, and afaik *always* involve something going disastrously wrong (eg microcephaly; aggressive cancer that can't be treated without killing the fetus).  No halfway sane person would endure 7+ months of pregnancy, then abort on a whim.

7 Pregnancy and childbirth are life-changing, and can permanently harm or even kill you.

8 Most pro-lifers don't hate women, any more than pro-choicers hate babies.

9 There are sane, reasonable, moral people on both sides of the debate.  Likewise, there are screaming morons.  Sadly, the screaming morons tend to be more noticeable.


Also, please note your own stance on abortion.  And note any other "universal" statements you think people should take note of.


All of those points are probably true, and there's no possible chance of getting everyone to agree on them.

Pearl L2020-07-09T01:50:59Z

i dont think people should have abortions no matter what,its murder


It's not a person.  The antichoicers need to appeal to emotions cuz lovic ain't on their side.  Embryos r lungless and person that lacked one or the other liver for even a nanosecond. Some states have a *heartbeat* law..but embryos dont have hearts..even the shape of their *hearts* looks more like something in.a pigs body.
Furthermore...there has never been an.embryo that had a heart attack..cuz a heart is required for that


I support a woman's right to decide and that Roe V Wade instituted some good guidelines for when it is nobody's business but her own and when their may be another person involved (3rd) trimester.  I agree with all of them.

You are being rational and truthful. The trolls here will try to roast you and eat you.


I am pro-life. There are so many deserving people out there that cannot birth their own children. Most of those people do not get to adopt because there is so much competition.  Adoption is the answer.