Being a househusband? ?
Does anyone have any experience being a househusband? No kids and being kept by your girlfriend or wife. Was it emasculating?
Does anyone have any experience being a househusband? No kids and being kept by your girlfriend or wife. Was it emasculating?
As a female I'm never been a husband. But I do know a couple where he writes from home while the kids are at school and earns almost as much as she does at her 12 hour a day studio job. He doesn't seem to mind taking on the responsibility of supervising homework and taking care of his daughters after school. Although I will say that this arrangement means they order dinner almost every night.
I'm a trans woman. Pre-transition I was the home maker much of the time and did most of the child care and home edding (children didn't go to school) while my partner earned most of the money. We did try to swap but my paid work is not very lucrative. I don't know if it was emasculating or not but it did enable me to defer my urge to transition for a very long time, so I imagine a man would find it so if he had an old-fashioned attitude to gender roles.
Green Puffin
They do exist, but usually they are also parents. I've yet to meet a man that is 'kept' and isn't also a parent. Usually their wife is a Lawyer and earns more than her husband.
Househusbands are extremely rare. They are either cucks who will be handed divorce papers once they get their inheritance, or they are men who live in their home gym and are pieces of meat.
It's the most rewarding experience a man could ever have.