So GDP is down 32%, billionaires are making record profits, 30+ million unemployed. How is this the best economy in history?


U_bin_Called most people are not getting their unemployment. Most of the bailouts are going to corporations and already rich people. The trump admins are filling their pockets. How can the richest most powerful country in the world NOT help its people? Plenty other countries are


The claim was not even debatable when he made it. The greatest economy in history should be able to do better than any other country, and here we are, one of the worst. If precautionary steps were taken, there'd be less damage. But cons have no foresight. They wanted instant gratification. The economy will just keep getting worse as they parade around with their imaginary freedom. 


This is the culmination of decades of conservative economics that prioritize short term, huge profits, while everyone else has to subsidize the negative effects. Corporate bailout after corporate bailout, and once again, corporations are making more money than ever before while everyone else suffers. Even Kushner's project airbridge followed a model of quick profits for the highest bidder.


It's not pathetic, we could have all seen this coming. But Trump and cons downplayed the virus, wanted to "reopen" ASAP without doing anything to mitigate spread. And here we are. As predicted. It's pathetic you all didn't listen or care and now act like it was inevitable.


It's doing what it always does, maybe even faster.  The rich get richer, the poor get evicted.

Severus Maximus2020-07-30T23:40:43Z

If you're a billionaire everything is going great 


how many other economies could pay tens of millions of people not to work for over 4 months and still prop up so much luxury that the #1 priority for so many is crying about partisan politics...?


Quit electing rich business people


Its not, Dump is a life long conman and liar.

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