Don't you wish that more people listened to climate scientists rather than to politicians bought by big oil companies?


Science can be complicated. People who can’t be bothered to make the effort seek easy answers. Lunatics and nefarious d**kheads all over the world and all through history have found it easy to recruit and manipulate people like this. It’s the source of all religion and among other things, climate sceptics. I’m convinced that if someone took them by the hand and carefully explained science to them as if to a child, most of them would shut up and be embarrassed. I blame a poor education system.

Cherry Pigh2020-08-08T10:33:26Z

You'll have to ask them that question.


As C02 has increased, the frequency of warm days in the United States has declined. 


If they did, then the world wouldn't be so hysterical.  Science contradicts all the claims by alarmists. 

Here are five:



The earth has a way of correcting itself.

If there's too many idiots on the planet, it will fix that.

Humans won't become extinct.

What's likely is that WW3 will happen and billions will die. With billions dead, trees will grow back and sequester carbon and stop climate change.

The survivors will likely experience another Renaissance after a century of the earth healing itself.

Then humans will reach the nano-tech age and will travel to other planets.

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