delusional members of the idiot left refuse to accept that hillary lost due to incompetency and corruption. they have to believe to maintain the facade of idiot liberal correctness that russia had to point out to the american electorate the patently obvious. as such they mistakenly think the republicans are hand in hand with moscow. what they are lightning quick to forget is the OBAMA open mike comments to sarcozy that he would be more flexible with putin after the election. no doubt this is the most asinine poor excuse for bad idiot liberal nominations in my over sixty years on this earth.
Joe Scarborough went into full rant mode one morning on Morning Joe and called Mitch McConnell Moscow Mitch in September 2019. The name stuck.
Read this and find out.
Libshits need catchy names in their fairy tales, you know, like cat in the hat or fox in socks
If you aren`t a racist, you must be a commie. LOL!!!!!!