When told that conscription was slavery, POTUS Lincoln said it is a necessary wrong: is he a closet confederate?


Should his statues and monuments be defaced and torn down?

Rock Remington2020-08-14T19:17:11Z

Favorite Answer

As one who was drafted in 1966 I would say yes, conscription was slavery...


Lincoln was a brutal authoritarian that caused the death of over 600,000 Americans to preserve a Union he had no Constitutional right to preserve. NOW all the states are under direct federal authority with only the privileges and authority that the federal government gives them. That was NOT the way the Founding Father designed their republic. 


Lincoln was a racist who had slaves and never wanted them free. He wanted to win without freeing them and even suggested deporting them. 
Closet confederate no.
Grant kept his slaves.


Lincoln is long dead.