Diabetic acting intoxicated. ?

 Living with a diabetic who suddenly started acting intoxicated. This person also fell down three times. Leaning backward and to the side, and just fell over.  Slurred speech, fumbling over words, loss of short term memory and unable to count or understand simple concepts. Normally i would blame this on low blood sugar. But that's not the case this time. Blood sugar is actually good this time. I think he's ketotic. He refuses to go to the hospital or let anyone help him. So I'm not sure what to do. Any thoughts?


People keep saying call an ambulance. Well. The last time I did that he tried to sue the city because he didn't want help. He called it a home invasion. Like I said. How do you help someone like that? 


His sugar is off the scale. Get him to the ER immediately!


Call an ambulance.


What is his blood sugar (glucose) level, exactly?

You say it's "good this time", but what does "good this time" actually mean to you?

Being ketotic CAN be brought on by the person not eating enough, but a more dangerous situation could be diabetic ketoacidosis.  This can be extremely serious with the person suffering needing to be admitted to hospital for emergency remedial care.  (He would need to be on a continuous insulin infusion, along with fluids in order to rehydrate him.)

Diabetic Ketoacidosis does NOT occur suddenly.  It would normally take several days of continuous high blood sugar (glucose) levels.

There'll be no need for you to get permission from him if he is in diabetic ketoacidosis as once he's lost consciousness, and is well on the way to becoming comatose, you'll be able to make decisions on his behalf. i.e. phoning for an emergency ambulance.