High cholesterol question?

I normally do blood work every 3 years as I’m 27 and healthy I workout intensely 4 times a week anyways should I be worried of high cholesterol? 
My last blood work was 2 years ago and was perfect I’m a bit worried as of late I’ve had more cheat meals such as subway or a slice of pizza yet I workout regularly and try to eat healthy I eat allot of peanut butter natural and allot of oatmeal which is good for cholesterol do you think I should be concerned about my cholesterol?

Walter B2020-08-16T03:56:35Z

--  It is far better practice to have an annual checkup including blood-work and other tests including for cholesterol, iron levels, blood sugar levels (diabetes), kidney function etc. Having a check-up every three years is a bad practice.  An eye check every two years is good, but any longer is bad.
--  Try to eat less foods with salt, or fat, even with the amount of exercise you do, Pizzas have both high salt content and fat (oils) that are bad for you.  Many Subway meals are generally healthier than other take-away foods.


If there is a family history, be mindful re eating habits. Hardening of the arteries now happens earlier than expected. At your age, I saw a physician every five years. Maybe, if worried, get checked, or, in the coming year or so, follow a more judicious eating plan before your next physical. Your insurance documents or the 800 number indicate what companies pay for. There a deductible, too. I'd always be concerned about it and would do more research. Without care, the HDL increases and LDO decreases. For example, have you read about the benefits of fatty fish, vegetables, fruit, flax seeds, red wine, etc.? If not, go to DASH diet or hear association website.